Newsletter Business

Best SEO Newsletters: 10 Top Reads for Staying Up to Date with Google

Robert BrandlInka Wibowo

By Robert & Inka

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As a website dedicated to reviewing the top email marketing platforms, we face our fair share of challenges – especially when it comes to attracting visitors through search traffic.

One of the biggest hurdles? Staying up to date with the ever-changing landscape of search engine optimization (SEO).

Achieving a #1 ranking on Google is a moving target, but thankfully, there’s no shortage of experts who make it their mission to stay on top of Google’s updates – and who regularly share their insights through their engaging, easy-to-digest newsletters.

If you're dealing with similar challenges on your own website, I've curated a list of the very best SEO newsletters to subscribe to. Each newsletter is filled with industry news, expert advice, and practical tips to boost your SEO strategy.

Let’s dive in!

10 Best SEO Newsletters

Core Updates

core updates seo newsletter

What is it about?

If you follow Mark William-Cook’s “Unsolicited #SEO tips” on LinkedIn, this weekly newsletter is a must-subscribe! It shares a comprehensive roundup of all the latest industry news, as well as useful tips, and a preview of that week’s Search with Candour podcast. There are also some SEO-focused freebies and prizes for referring other subscribers to their newsletter, should you feel inclined to recommend this newsletter to others!

Who’s behind it?

Mark Williams-Cook​ of Candour and AlsoAsked, Jack Chambers-Ward of Candour

What I like about it:

It combines a well-curated roundup of what’s happening in the SEO industry, along with their own editorial updates and tips.

Where to sign up?

SEO Fomo

seofomo newsletter

What is it about?

With over 34,000 subscribers, this weekly SEO newsletter provides a thorough rundown of all the SEO news you can’t miss. It also shares content from other SEO experts, as well as updates about tools, events, and even SEO jobs. With a strong focus on keeping the SEO community connected, it’s so much more than just an SEO newsletter!

What’s great is that the very first email you receive comes packed with resources such as an auditing bundle, how-to guides, roadmaps, interviews, and more – making SEOFOMO an indispensable SEO newsletter, no matter how experienced you are.

Who’s behind it?

Aleyda Solis of Orainti and

What I like about it:

It’s the most in-depth SEO newsletter I know. It covers news from a variety of sources, SEO events and tools, as well as jobs in SEO.

Where to sign up?

Digital Surfer

digital surfer seo newsletter

What is it about?

Previously known as Niche Surfer, this SEO newsletter lands in inboxes every Saturday. Like Core Updates, it shares all the latest happenings in the SEO world, with a heavy lean towards Google news. But there’s also tools and resources, case studies, link building tips, and other useful content to help inspire your SEO strategy.

A spinoff newsletter, Digital Surfer Insights, was also recently launched – it shares sporadic insights into Yoyao Hsueh’s own experiences with SEO.

Who’s behind it?

Yoyao Hsueh from

What I like about it:

While this newsletter is mainly about SEO, it also highlights related fields such as AI and digital marketing. I find something useful in every single issue!

Where to sign up?

Alek’s Newsletter

alek asaduryan

What is it about?

Want an easy way to stay up to date with everything going on in the world of SEO? This weekly newsletter promises to share everything you need to know in just 90 seconds. What’s more, your very first email includes a link to a handy SEO checklist, as well as the option to purchase paid services such as audits and keyword research.

Who’s behind it?

Alek Asaduryan of Yes Marketing

What I like about it:

This is the most compact SEO news roundup I’ve seen. If you just want a quick overview about what’s going on, this is great.

Where to sign up?

Diggity Marketing

diggity marketing seo newsletter

What is it about?

If you’re after a more scientific approach to SEO, this SEO newsletter is the one to subscribe to! It takes you through the strategies that founder Matt Diggity has tried and tested, with practical tips, guides, videos, and resources to help you implement them for your own website. There’s also a monthly roundup of updates, as well as in-depth analysis and case studies to help you understand what’s really going on in the SEO world.

Who’s behind it?

Matt Diggity of Diggity Marketing

What I like about it:

The monthly SEO news roundup is very detailed, diving deep into each update and analyzing the practical implications for SEOs.

Where to sign up?


women in tech seo newsletter

What is it about?

If you’d like a perspective of the SEO world that strives towards gender inclusivity, you’ll find the WTS (Women in Tech SEO) Newsletter a breath of fresh air. Each week, it curates a collection of articles written by female industry experts, covering topics such as SEO, content creation, AI, and more. It also features a guest authored column with practical tips not only related to technical topics, but also more general marketing strategies, and career advice.

Who’s behind it?

Areej AbuAli and Women in Tech SEO community members

What I like about it:

Its emphasis on building a community and lifting up women in the SEO industry, as well as its actionable tips and insights from a broad range of perspectives.

Where to sign up?

SEO for the Rest of Us

seo for the rest of us newsletter

What is it about?

If you’re after an SEO newsletter that gives you plenty of support, this is the one for you. Signing up for the “SEO for the Rest of Us” newsletter gets you started on their 5-day challenge. This takes you through a series of actionable, beginner-friendly “assignments” to start optimizing your website (and get better acquainted with the tools you’ll need to do that).

Not only that – you’ll also get regular emails packed with anecdotes, tips, insights, and resources.

Who’s behind it?

Brendan Hufford of Growth Sprints

What I like about it:

These conversational emails are quick and fun to read, providing plenty of useful tips and insights.

Where to sign up?

SEO Notebook

seo notebook newsletter

What is it about?

This SEO newsletter is less about industry updates, and more about the practical side of search engine optimization. Founder Steve Toth explains it best in his welcome email: “By subscribing to this list, you've gained access to my personal notebook that contains everything from nuggets of wisdom found deep within YouTube videos, to knowledge bombs buried away in Facebook threads, to my own personal strategies.”

Full of anecdotes, practical tips, video tutorials, and downloadable goodies, this SEO newsletter is for anyone who’s keen to roll up their sleeves and try out different optimization techniques for their website.

Who’s behind it?

Steve Toth of SEO That Ranks

What I like about it:

This newsletter has more of a personal touch than most, making it an enjoyable read if you’re an SEO who wants to receive more than simply updates.

Where to sign up?


seo for lunch newsletter

What is it about?

Every Thursday, this newsletter lands in inboxes with snackable updates on what’s going on in the SEO world, a handpicked “article of the week”, a roundup of relevant industry content, and a list of industry jobs.

Who’s behind it?

Nick LeRoy of Nick Leroy Consulting and

What I like about it:

Each of the updates summarized in the newsletter is accompanied by “Nick’s Take”, with some useful analysis, and practical recommendations on steps you can take.

Where to sign up?

Tech SEO Tips

tech seo tips

What is it about?

This weekly newsletter is all about exactly what its name suggests: actionable tips that focus on the technical side of SEO. But you also get a roundup of SEO news, external resources, and even a handy archive to check out past editions. It’s comprehensive, well-researched, and perfect for anyone looking to implement SEO strategies that they may have overlooked.

Who’s behind it?

Nikki Halliwell of

What I like about it:

Although its focus is on technical SEO, the newsletter is easy to understand, with recommendations and advice that even non-technical readers can follow.

Where to sign up?

Final Words

Thanks to these SEO newsletters, it’s never been easier to keep up with the latest news in SEO.

My advice? Make sure you’re subscribed to at least one to make sure you don’t miss out on any major developments!

I hope you’ve found this roundup of my favorite SEO newsletters useful. Let me know if you have any others to recommend in the comment section below.

Or, if you want to learn about how email marketing can help you become less dependent on SEO, make sure to check out my free 5-day email course for SEOs.

The authors

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Robert Brandl

Founder and CEO

Hello! I'm Robert, an email marketing expert with over 15 years of experience. After honing my skills at an agency by serving major corporations, I founded EmailTooltester as a passion project to help small and medium-sized businesses. Connect with me on LinkedIn where I regularly share my best email marketing knowledge.

Inka Wibowo

Senior Content Manager

Hi, I'm Inka! I spent the earlier part of my career in agency land, helping businesses of all sizes get their email marketing campaigns up and running. Now, at EmailTooltester, I'm using my experience to help businesses like yours find the best email marketing services for your needs.

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